Country: Somalia
Closing date: 27 May 2016
Background and context
United Nations’ and the World Bank’s support to Somalia is guided by the Integrated Strategic Framework (ISF) (2014-2016), and the Somalia Interim Strategy Note FY14-16 respectively. Both documents were developed in response to and in alignment with the Somali New Deal Compact (2014-2016) which was endorsed by the international community in Brussels in 2013. Capacity development stands as one of the key cross cutting initiatives promoted in the Somali New Deal Compact. Several coordinated initiatives are already ongoing.
UN Women and the World Bank aim to deepen capacity development in data collection and data analysis on gender equality and Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda, through capacity support initiatives to Somali government institutions, think tanks, academia and research institutions. The World Bank brings extensive expertise on data collection and analysis, and has extensive experience on the strengthening of such capacity in national institutions. UN Women as Co-chair of the UN Gender Theme Group has a role to play in ensuring a coordinated approach to deepen knowledge management on gender equality and the WPS Agenda, in the efforts to address and monitor support to national frameworks such as the Somali New Deal Compact and global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals, including CEDAW and UNSCR1325 and its subsequent resolutions.
To that end, UN Women and the World Bank, with support from the UN-World Bank Partnership Trust Fund will recruit a consultant to undertake the following tasks: (i) provide an overview/analysis of the existing state of (the use) of gender statistics and an overview of any statistics available, as well as an overview of indicators for which data is already being collected and monitored, and identify the existing gaps in data collection and analysis, across the country. (ii) to outline options for the development of a flagship ‘State of Somali Women and Men Report’ to be published by the Federal government capturing both federal and state/interim states under the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development and in coordination and collaboration/partnership with the federal and state/IPA level planning ministries/entities and statistical bureaus and the ministries responsible for gender, women and human rights issues, Somali think tanks, academia and research institutions, with the support of a reputable international institution with extensive and relevant track record in Somalia; (iii) design the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the State of the Somali Women and Men Report; and (vi) establish scoring criteria for the RFP, analyze the received RFPs and recommend a consultant firm.
The rationale for this initiative is to promote capacity development amongst Somali institution on gender data collection and analysis. It will inform government and UN programme design and planning cycles, and set a new baseline for gender equality and women empowerment. It will provide women activists, political leaders, and the Ministry for Women and Human Rights Development an instrument to argue for and justify increased resource allocation to gender equality and initiatives in support of women, peace and security issues. The international development partners will also benefit as the data collection and analysis can be used to justify and promote gender responsive programme design and analysis. In this manner, it will be a fundamental tool to promote gender mainstreaming in the New Deal Compact.
Purpose and objective of the consultancy
The purpose of the consultancy is to conduct discussions with the ministries of women and human rights development, planning, statistical bureaus and other relevant federal and state/interim state level institutions, key Somali research institutions, universities and think thanks, the World Bank and UN Women as well as with relevant UN AFPs and Mission Components, GTG members, Women CSOs on what different options that could be relevant for the State of Somali Women and Men Report with regards to the content and depth of analysis, ownership arrangements between the government level women machineries, roles and functions of national think thanks and universities/research institutions, frequency of the State of Somali Women and Men Report, and options for backstopping and support functions by an international reputable institution.
The objective of the consultancy is to lay the ground for a process whereby data collection and analysis as well as publication of reports on gender equality, and WPS Agenda is increasingly conducted in-country by Somali institutions, thereby building capacity of Somali institutions and further supporting knowledge development and evidence-based programming.
The consultant will work under the guidance of the UN Women Country Program Manager and the World Bank Social Development Specialist, and in close coordination with the UNSOM Gender Advisor, and the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office.
Scope of Work
The scope of work is to:
- Consult with key UN and World Bank stakeholders, development partners and institutions currently engaged in knowledge generation and data publication; consult with ministries of women and human rights development and planning, statistical bureaus and gender machineries at federal and state/interim state level to solicit what type of information they would like to see included in a report of this nature, and identify relevant key indicators that are currently collected (and by whom), to help identify where there are key gaps, and discuss proposed list of indicators that should be developed/collected moving forward. Assess what ownership modalities that would be most relevant.
- Review current publications addressing gender issues in Somalia, to outline what is available and where the gaps are;
- Meet with key Somali research institutions, universities and think thanks to assess capacity for engagement, what key capacity building needs to be included in the State of the Somali Women and Men Report, and what role national institutions best can play, and what role would be the most relevant for the international institutions;
- An annotated bibliography of existing literature addressing data collection with an analysis of and/or reference to gender statistics, sex-disaggregated data;
- Draft an options paper and present and discuss with key government partners, UN Women, UNSOM, the RCO and the World Bank.
- Draft a Request for Proposals to be advertised by the federal and state/interim state level ministries of women and human rights development (MWHRD).
- Develop the scoring formats and criteria for selection
The Consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs:
Phase I: (to be completed on or before 15 December 2015):
- Inception report after 3 working days including the work plan and list of stakeholders to meet;
- Options Paper of no more than 20 pages plus annexes after 25 working days. The report will include (i) an overview of who publishes data currently on gender equality and women, peace and security, who uses this data and to what extent are these data used to inform programming; (ii) an overview of data collection and data analysis capacity, and research and documentation capacity in key Somali institutions, based on a desk review of publications from these institutions; (iii) options for ownership and management of the State of Somali Women and Men Report, frequency of publication and a costing of each option.
- Draft Request for Proposal document
Phase II: (to be completed on 30 January 2016)
- Provide support as required in the RFP selectionprocess.
- Demonstrate consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct;
- Demonstrate professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work;
Core Values and Ethics:
- Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and able to work in a multi-national environment;
- Support the Organization’s corporate goal;
- Comply with UN WOMEN rules, regulations and code of conduct;
- Integrity;
- Demonstrate ability to work in a multicultural, multi ethnic environment and to maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds;
- Build effective client relationships and partnerships;
- Interact with all levels of staff in the organization;
- Excellent interpersonal skills;
- Build and share knowledge;
- Make valuable practice contributions;
Communicating and Information Sharing:
- Facilitate and encourage open communication and strive for effective communication;
- Excellent oral and written skills;
- Listen actively and respond effectively;
Self-management and Emotional Intelligence:
- Stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have a consistent behavior towards others;
Master degree in a relevant field such as economics, statistics, social studies with gender as a major or gender studies with economics/statistics as a major; Experience
Minimum 7 years extensive experience in data analysis and statistical analysis in fragile contexts, some of which on gender equality and women, peace and security issues.
Experience working with gender machineries in fragile contexts a significant advantage
Experience from similar engagements an advantage.
Experience working with UN agencies and/or the World Bank required.
Knowledge of Human Rights and Gender programming in Somalia or similar fragile and conflict affected states an advantage.
Multi-stakeholders’ coordination experience is an asset.
High level of proficiency in computer systems, internet navigation and various office applications.
Language :
- Fluency in the English language required, with strong, confident command of both written and oral English.
How to apply:
To apply visit: