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Provision of Consultancy Services to conduct/ undertake a Business Case for Women’s Economic Empowerment, in the Arab States region

Organization: UN Women
Closing date: 29 May 2016

Making the Business case for Women’s Economic Empowerment

UN Women ROAS is seeking consultancy services of a consulting firm/institution to conduct/ undertake a Business Case for Women’s Economic Empowerment, which will contribute to improving UN Women’s programming on women economic empowerment in the Arab States region. The study will cover 17 Arab countries, namely Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Yemen.


The Regional Office for the Arab States (ROAS) was established in Cairo in 2012, merging two former UNIFEM sub-regional offices (Morocco and Jordan). The regional office covers 17 countries in the Arab States region. It provides direct support to UN Women country offices in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, the Morocco Multicounty Office (MCO, which covers Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia) and Palestine, and . In addition, UN Women ROAS has programme presence in Lebanon, Libya, Syria and Yemen. In 2014, UN Women ROAS started working in Kuwait as a non-resident agency and will pursue this modality in countries where there is no programme or office presence including in Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

ROAS supports country offices in assisting national governments to fulfil their gender equality commitments under the applicable national and international laws. This is further strengthened through positioning UN Women’s work within the UNDAF and other national development frameworks to ensure both coherence and maximum impact reached. The ROAS is working with country offices in strengthening areas of programmatic interventions under the six thematic areas identified in the Agency’s Strategic plan for 2014 – 2017, including: 1) Expanding women’s voice, leadership and participation; 2) Enhancing women’s economic empowerment; 3) Ending violence against women and girls; 4) Implementing the women’s peace and security agenda; 5) Enhancing governance and national planning to improve accountability for gender equality commitments and priorities; and 6) Strengthening and implementing the global and normative policy framework for gender equality and the empowerment of women.

Spring Forward for Women Programme

Although each national context in the region presents its own specificities, women and men in the Arab States region face many similar challenges and opportunities, and common patterns in both political participation and economic empowerment can be found. UN Women ROAS has therefore developed a regional initiative, jointly implemented with the European Union (EU) and funded by the EU, which is being carried out directly in six countries (Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Palestine and Tunisia). This regional programme works with 37 partners (14 governing bodies, 11 political parties and 12 CSOs) to ensure that gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) provisions to increase women political participation are incorporated in constitutions, national policies and frameworks, and 33 partner institutions (10 governing bodies, 12 CSOs and 11 private sector) to support greater access to economic opportunities for women. On economic empowerment, the Spring Forward for Women programme supports the following:

  1. Capacity building of women (particularly in the informal sector) through business development services (BDS);

  2. Supports women in organizing themselves and in establishing associations that represent their interests to enable them to speak and act collectively;

  3. Building institutional capacity of partner non-governmental organizations and community development associations to improve coordination between stakeholders through local committees;

  4. Engagement with the private sector to adopt enterprise level family friendly, flexible workplace practices that foster the reconciliation of work and family responsibilities for women and men.

In this context UN Women Regional Office for the Arab States seeks to hire the services of a consultancy firm/institution to conduct a business case for women’s economic empowerment in the Arab States region.

Purpose, Scope and Objectives

The main objectives of the Women’s Economic Empowerment Business Case are meant to:

  1. Make the economic case for equality, mapping the gaps, highlighting the regional findings, and proposing clear interventions for the countries to reach its full economic potentials and identifying the key stakeholders to carry out these interventions. The report should cover Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Yemen and provide a strong business case for the different stakeholders to invest on women’s economic empowerment.

  2. Develop an advocacy strategy tailored to the Government and to the Private sector in the region to persuade them of the business case for women’s economic empowerment. This should include detailed advocacy tools and messages for the different stakeholders including ministries of finance and planning, labour, among others and private sector entities.


The Regional Office for Arab States reserves the right to ensure the quality of products submitted by the consultancy firm and will request revisions until the product meets the quality standards as expressed by the UN Women Regional Office.


Due Date

Inception report (including two rounds of revision)

Based on inception phase activities the report will present a refined scope, a detailed outline of business case design and methodology, and the proposed structure of the regional report. The report will include a detailed work plan. A first draft report will be shared with the Regional Office and, based upon the comments received, the research team will revise the draft. The revised draft will be shared with the Regional Office for feedback. The consultancy firm will maintain an audit trail of the comments received and provide a response on how the comments were addressed in the final inception report.

1 week

Draft business case report

A draft Business Case Regional Report will be submitted, making the economic case for equality, mapping the gaps, highlighting the regional findings, and proposing clear interventions for the countries to reach its full economic potentials and identifying the key stakeholders to carry out these interventions. The report should cover Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Yemen.

8 weeks

Advocacy strategy

Development of an advocacy strategy tailored to the Government and to the Private sector in the region to persuade them of the business case for women’s economic empowerment.

2 weeks

Final business case report and PowerPoint Presentation (PPT)

· The final report will include a concise Executive Summary and annexes detailing the methodological approach and any analytical products developed during the course of the study.

· PowerPoint Presentation of the business case, detailing the main findings of the study and proposed campaign strategy

1 week

The payments will be completed after receipt of invoice as well as receipt and acceptance of the product/s. The schedule of payments is as follows:


Payment condition

Inception report (including two rounds of revision)

25% of the total contracted after receipt of invoice as well as receipt and acceptance of the deliverable.

Draft Business case report

25% of the total contracted after receipt of invoice as well as receipt and acceptance of the deliverable.

Advocacy Strategy

25% of the total contracted after receipt of invoice as well as receipt and acceptance of the deliverable.

Final Business Case report and PowerPoint Presentation (PPT)

25% of the total contracted after receipt of invoice as well as receipt and acceptance of the deliverable.



The business case study will involve desk review. A consultancy firm will be recruited. A lead consultant will provide technical leadership and direction in evidence gathering and analysis, and also in reporting. The two gender economist consultants are expected to use secondary data to inform their analysis. They shall conduct a review of existing documentation in the region, examining policy and strategic documents, economic reviews, reports and related reviews/assessments conducted by government agencies, donors, academia, think tanks and civil society groups.

Personnel / Qualifications

All team members should have strong background in conducting high quality researches and studies in gender and development economics, and gender analysis, especially within the Arab States context. The team will include an experienced team leader and expert on gender and macroeconomics, two experts on gender and economics, and an advocacy specialist

The combined expertise of the team should include:

  • Advanced degree in gender and economics, preferably majoring in macroeconomics. A PhD qualification in economics is desirable;
  • Advanced degree in gender and economics.
  • Relevant experience in macroeconomic planning and socio-economic development and policy formulation with a gender perspective;
  • Extensive experience in gender and economic development, economic research and analysis in complex environment.
  • Experience working in conflict and post-conflict countries is a plus.
  • Fluency in Arabic, French and English.
  • Balance in terms of gender and international / national representation is desirable.
  • Experience in Arab States region.

Below is a more detailed description of the tasks and qualification requirements for each team member.


The lead consultant, with at least 15 years of gender and macroeconomics experience, will be responsible for:

• Drafting the inception report;

• Leading the conceptualization and design of the study, and the shaping of the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the final reports;

• Coordinating the work of all other team members during the course of the study;

• Ensuring the quality of outputs and application of methodology as well as timely delivery of all products;

• Delivering the final regional report.

Gender Economists

The gender economists, with at least 10 years of gender and economic development experience, and under the overall supervision of the lead consultant will:

• Provide inputs to the inception report;

• Draft regional report

• Participate in the finalization of the regional report.

Advocacy Specialist

• Knowledge and extensive experience in gender and development;

• Relevant experience in designing advocacy strategies;

• Regional and/or relevant country experience.

Roles and responsibilities of the parties

The UN Women ROAS is responsible for the management and quality assurance of this study. The Regional Office will hire consultancy firm/institution to conduct the study. The research team will have a combination of the requisite experience in conducting high quality researches and studies in gender and development economics. ROAS will manage the research process and constitute a quality assurance system. The consultancy team will be responsible for all logistical and preparation arrangements. The work should not be subcontracted to other firms.

Timeframe and location

The proposed timeframe and expected products will be discussed with the research team and refined in the inception report. Please see deliverables section for deliverables and timeframe. The study is planned to start no later than June 2016 for a duration of 3 months. The maximum total level of effort (LOE) for the consultancy team should not exceed 130 days including drafting and finalizing the report.

Communication and reporting obligations

The deliverables section details the expected reports and milestones. The Regional Programme Manager and Economic Empowerment Adviser at the UN Women Regional Office for Arab States will be the primary liaison with the research team. Communication will be done through virtual means.



The proposal will be selected on the basis of cumulative analysis where the total score is obtained upon a combination of the weighted technical and financial attributes.

A two-stage procedure will be utilized in evaluating of the proposals; the technical proposal will be evaluated with a minimum pass requirement of 70% of the obtainable 700 points assigned for technical proposal. A proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it fails to achieve the minimum technical threshold of 70% of the obtainable score of 700 points prior to any price proposal being opened and compared. The financial proposal will be opened only for those entities whose technical proposal achieved the minimum technical threshold of 70% of the obtainable score of 700 points and are determined to be compliant. Non-compliant proposals will not be eligible for further consideration.

The total number of points which a firm/institution may obtain for its proposal is as follows:

Technical proposal: 700

Financial proposal: 300

Total number of points: 1,000

Evaluation of financial proposal:

The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal will be allocated to the lowest price proposal. All other price proposals receive points in inverse proportion.

A formula is as follows:

p = y (μ/z)


p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated

y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal

μ = price of the lowest priced proposal

z = price of the proposal being evaluated

The contract shall be awarded to the proposal obtaining the overall highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal.

Evaluation of technical proposal:

The technical proposal is evaluated and examined to determine its responsiveness and compliancy with the requirements specified in this solicitation documents. The quality of each technical proposal will be evaluated in accordance with the following technical evaluation criteria and the associated weighting (total possible value of 700 points):

Technical Evaluation Criteria

Summary of Technical Proposal Evaluation Forms

Score Weight

Points Obtainable


Experience of the Offeror - Expertise of Offeror submitting Proposal




Proposed Methodology

Proposed Work Plan and Approach




Resource Plan






Evaluation forms for technical proposals follow on the next two pages. The obtainable number of points specified for each evaluation criterion indicates the relative significance or weight of the item in the overall evaluation process. The Technical Proposal Evaluation Forms are:

Form 1: Experience of the Offeror - Expertise of Firm / Institution Submitting Proposal

Form 2: Proposed Methodology - Proposed Work Plan and Approach

Form 3: Personnel

Technical Proposal Evaluation

Form 1

Points obtainable

Experience of the Offeror

Expertise of Firm / Institution Submitting Proposal

REQUIREMENT 1.1 - (Maximum 2 pages)

Experience of the Offeror in managing high quality researches and studies in gender and development economics

Provide 2 study reports


REQUIREMENT 1.2 – (Maximum 1 page)

Demonstrated sound financial condition based on the financial documentation.

Provide financial statements for the last 2 years


REQUIREMENT 1.3 – (Maximum 1 page)

General Organizational Capability which is likely to affect implementation/performance(i.e.

size of firm, strength of management support)


REQUIREMENT 1.4 – (Maximum 1 page)

Experience in working in the different regions, including the Arab States region.

Provide 2 research experiences in different geographic areas.


REQUIREMENT 1.5 – (Maximum 2 pages)**

Experience in developing and implementing quality assurance procedures.

Provide 2 experiences on quality assurance procedures (development and implementation).




Based on the Terms of Reference, the methodology developed in the proposal must correspond to the following requirements and clearly describe how the Offeror intends to undertake the activities set out in the Terms of Reference in order to achieve expected results.

Technical Proposal Evaluation

Form 2

Points Obtainable

Proposed Methodology

Proposed Work Plan and Approach

REQUIREMENT 2.1 – (Maximum 4 pages)

General understanding of the assignment mandate, including the roles and responsibilities of personnel.


REQUIREMENT 2.2 – (Maximum 2 pages)

Understanding of gender equality, macroeconomic issues and challenges in the Arab States region relevant to study scope.


REQUIREMENT 2.3 – (Maximum 1 page)

Suggested approach for the identification of relevant stakeholder groups and how recommendations on possible roles will be defined.

The Consultant/s must describe its proposed approach to identifying of stakeholders and definition of roles.


REQUIREMENT 2.4 – (Maximum 1 1/2 pages)

Proposed methodological approaches for the study and approach in the development of the advocacy strategy


REQUIREMENT 2.5 – (Maximum 2 pages)

Proposed work plan with timeline. The timeline shall be supported by a narrative explaining the basis of its development.


REQUIREMENT 2.6 – (Maximum 2 pages)

Planned level of effort for team of the study.

The proposal shall identify the basis upon which the level of effort has been established (hours per day and days per week).




Technical Proposal Evaluation

Form 3

Points Obtainable

Resource Plan


REQUIREMENT 3.1 – Lead Consultant



The Lead Consultant shall have the following general qualifications


· Demonstrated experience managing research teams


· Experience conducting studies, using mixed methods


· Extensive knowledge in gender and macroeconomics


· Extensive experience in macroeconomic planning and socio-economic development and policy formulation with a gender perspective.


· Experience working in conflict/post-conflict countries


· Regional Experience


Language Qualifications



REQUIREMENT 3.2 – Gender Economist



The GE shall have the following general qualifications


· Knowledge and extensive experience in gender and economic development, economic research and analysis in complex environment


· Relevant experience in macroeconomic planning and socio-economic development and policy formulation with a gender perspective


· Regional and/or relevant country experience


Language Qualifications



REQUIREMENT 3.3 –Advocacy Specialist



The AS shall have the following general qualifications


· Knowledge and extensive experience in gender and development


· Relevant experience in designing advocacy strategies


· Regional and/or relevant country experience


Language Qualifications



Total Part 3


70% of 700 pts = 490 pts needed to pass technical


Attach all CVs of personnel to be evaluated.

A proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it fails to achieve the minimum technical threshold of 70% of the obtainable score of 700 points for the technical proposal.

How to apply:

please download RFP documents from this link :



Technical Proposals not submitted in this format may be rejected.

Financial Proposal must be submitted in separate envelope or email address where electronic submission is allowed.

Proposer is requested to include a one page value statement indicating why they are most suitable to carry out the assignment.

Name of Proposing Organization:

Country of Registration:

Type of Legal entity:

Name of Contact Person for this Proposal:





Section 1:Experience of the Offeror - Expertise of Firm / Institution Submitting Proposal

1.1 Experience of the Offeror in managing managing high quality researches and studies in gender and development economics

Provide 2 study reports

(Maximum 2 pages)

1.2 Experience in working in the different geographic areas, including the Arab States region.

Provide 2 research reports in different geographic areas.

(Maximum 1 page)

1.3 Experience in developing and implementing quality assurance procedures.

Provide 2 experiences on quality assurance procedures (development and implementation).

(Maximum 2 pages)

Section 2: Proposed Work Plan and Approach

2.1 General understanding of the assignment mandate, including the roles and responsibilities of personnel.

(Maximum 4 pages)

2.2 Understanding of gender equality and macroeconomic issues and challenges in the Arab States region relevant to the study scope.

(Maximum 2 pages)

2.3 Suggested approach for the identification of stakeholders.

Suggested approach for the identification of relevant stakeholder groups and how recommendations on possible roles will be defined.

(Maximum 1 page)

2.4 Proposed methodological approaches for the study**.**

(Maximum 1 1/2 pages)

2.5Proposed work plan with timeline. The timeline shall be supported by a narrative explaining the basis of its development

(Maximum 2 pages)

2.6 Planned level of effort for team for the study.

The proposal shall identify the basis upon which the level of effort has been established (hours per day and days per week).

(Maximum 2 pages)

Section 3: Resource Plan, Key Personnel

3.1 Composition of the team proposed to perform TOR, and the work tasks (including supervisory)

Describe the availability of resources in terms of personnel and facilities required for the TOR. Describe the structure of the proposed team/personnel, and the work tasks (including supervisory) which would be assigned to each. An organigram illustrating the office location (city and country), reporting lines, together with a description of such organization of the team structure, should be submitted.

3.2 Gender profile

· Proposer is strongly encouraged to include information regarding the percentage of women employed in Proposer’s organization, women in leadership positions, and percentage of women shareholders. This will not be a factor in the evaluation criteria; UN Women is collecting this data for statistical purposes in support of UN Women’s core mandate.

· Proposers are also requested to sign the Voluntary Agreement for Promoting Gender Equality in the Workplace.

Provide Curriculum vitae of the proposed personnel that will be involved either full time or part time.

Highlight the relevant academic qualifications, specialized trainings and pertinent work experience.

Substitution of key personnel shall only be permitted in accordance with section 2.4 of the General Conditions of Contract.

Please use the format below, with each CV no more than THREE pages in length.

Sample CV template:


Position for this Assignment:


Language Skills:

Educational and other Qualifications

Employment Record: [Insert details of as many other appropriate records as necessary]

From [Year]: To [Year]:


Positions held:

Relevant Experience (From most recent; Among the assignments in which the staff has been involved, indicate the following information for those assignments that best illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks listed under the TOR) [Insert details of as many other appropriate assignments as necessary]

Period: From - To

Name of project/organization:

Job Title, main project features, and Activities undertaken

References (minimum 3)

(Name/Title/Organization/Contact Information – Phone; Email)



The Financial Proposal must be prepared as a separate PDF file from the rest of the RFP response as indicated in Clause 3.4.1 of the Instruction to Proposers. The components comprising the total price must provide sufficient detail to allow UN Women to determine compliance of proposal with requirements as per TOR of this RFP. The Proposer shall include a complete breakdown of the cost elements associated with each line item and those costs associated with any proposed subcontract/sub-awards (separate breakdown) for the duration of the contract. Provide separate figures for each functional grouping or category.

Estimates for cost-reimbursable items, if any, such as travel, and out of pocket expenses should be listed separately.

In case of an equipment component to the service provided, the Financial Proposal should include figures for both purchase and lease/rent options. UN Women reserves the option to either lease/rent or purchase outright the equipment through the Contractor.

In addition, the financial proposal must include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following documents:

  1. A summary of the price in words and figures

  2. Price breakdown: The price must cover all the services to be provided and must itemize the following:

a. An all-inclusive fee rate per working day for each expert to be assigned to the team. The fee rate must include remuneration of each expert, all administrative costs of employing the expert and the margin covering the Proposer overhead and backstopping facilities

b. An all-inclusive daily subsistence allowance (DSA) rate for every day in which the experts shall be in the field for purposes of the assignment.

c. An all-inclusive amount for necessary international travel and related expenses by the most appropriate means of transport and the most direct economy class practicable route. The breakdown shall indicate the number of round trips per team member.

d. An all-inclusive amount for local travel, if applicable.

e. If applicable, other costs required for purposes of the assignment not covered in the foregoing or beneath paragraphs such as communication, printing and dispatching of reports to be produced during the assignment, rental and freight of any instruments or equipment required to be provided by the Proposer for the purposes of the services, office accommodation, investigations, surveys, etc.

f. Summary of total cost for the services proposed.

  1. Schedule of payments: Proposed schedule of payment might be expressed by the Proposer, and payment will be made by UN Women in the currency of the proposal. The payment schedule must be linked to the delivery of the outputs specified in your technical component.

All prices/rates quoted must be exclusive of all taxes, since the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs, is exempt from taxes.

NOTE: In case two (2) proposals are evaluated and found to be the same ranking in terms of technical competency and price, UN Women will award offer to the company that is either women owned or has women in majority shareholding in support of UN Women’s core mandate. In the case that both companies are women owned or have women in majority shareholding, UN Women will request best and final offer from both proposers and shall make a final comparison of the competing proposers.

  1. Cost Breakdown per Deliverables


Percentage of Total Price


(Lump Sum, All Inclusive)

Delivery time/time period (if applicable)


Inception report



Draft business case report



Advocacy strategy



Final business case report and PowerPoint Presentation (PPT




USD ……

  1. Cost Breakdown by Resources

The Proposers are requested to provide the cost breakdown for the above given prices for each deliverable based on the following format. UN Women shall use the cost breakdown in order to assess value for money as well as the calculation of price in the event that both parties agreed to add new deliverables to the scope of Services.



Number of Unit

Unit Cost (USD)

Total Cost (USD)

Team Leader

1 person


Team Members

1 person


1 person


Operational cost

Please detail the following:

  1. Estimated return tickets for travel (if any)

  2. Accommodation and other expenses away from home (if any)

  3. Local transportation

  4. Any relevant costs (report preparation, communication, stationary, etc.)

Other costs (please provide details)


Note: This spreadsheet should be accompanied by a short narrative summary that explains the figures supplied and that adds any relevant information that has been used to make the calculations.]

Signature of Financial Proposal

The Financial Proposal should be authorized and signed as follows:

"Duly authorized to sign the Proposal for and on behalf of

(Name of Organization)

Signature/Stamp of Entity/Date

Name of representative:





[The proposer shall fill in this form in accordance with the instructions indicated. No alterations to its format shall be permitted and no substitutions shall be accepted.]

To: [insert UN Women Date: [insert date of Proposal Submission]

Address, City, Country]

We, the undersigned, declare that:

  1. We have examined and have no reservations to the Proposal Solicitation Documents*;*

  2. We offer to supply in conformity with the Proposal Solicitation Documents the following [Title of goods/services/works] and undertake, if our proposal is accepted, to commence and complete delivery of all services specified in the contract within the time frame stipulated.

  3. We ensure any due diligence regarding the legal review and ability to be compliant to all contract terms and conditions has been undertaken prior to the submission of our offer. Submission of this offer is confirmation of accepting a UN WOMEN contract included herein.

  4. We offer to supply for the sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the Financial Proposal submitted in accordance with the instructions under the Proposal Instruction Sheet;

  5. Our proposal shall be valid for a period of [___] days from the date fixed for opening of proposals in the Request for Proposal, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;

  6. If our proposal is accepted, we commit to obtain a performance security with the instructions under the Proposal Instruction Sheet;

  7. We, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract, have nationality from countries***__*** [insert the nationality of the proposer, including that of all parties that comprise the proposer]

  8. We have no conflict of interest in accordance with Clause 1.2 (Eligible Proposers) of the RFP Instructions to Proposers;

  9. Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries—including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract—has not been declared ineligible by UN Women, in accordance with Clause 1.2 (Eligible Proposers) of the RFP Instructions to Proposers;

  10. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated proposal or any other proposal that you may receive.

    Signed: ___[insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown]

    In the capacity of ___[insert legal capacity of person signing this form]

    Name: __[insert complete name of person signing the Proposal Submission Form]

    Duly authorized to sign the proposal for and on behalf of: _[insert complete name of proposer]

    Dated on __ day of __, ___[insert date of signing]

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